[time-nuts] Thunderbolt and USB to RS232 converters

Javier Herrero jherrero at hvsistemas.es
Tue Jun 24 13:13:20 EDT 2008

I've been using it with Prolific PL2303 based converters with no problem 
at all (Aten brand, in my case).



Jeroen Bastemeijer escribió:
> Dear All,
> More and more people are starting to play with the Thunderbolts. I
> already received mine :-)  Now playing around with them.
> First I powered it up and connected it to the normal serial port of the
> PC. The Thunderbolt behaved fine, self survey took some time, because
> the antenna is inside a concrete building with very limited view to the sky.
> However, next I did a test with the same Thunderbolt but now it was
> connected to a USB to Serial converter (brand is Sweex). After
> switchinhg it off and on, I expected the same behaviour as when it was
> connected to the "real" serial port. But... it started to behave very
> strange... instead of starting a normal survey, it started disciplining
> after a couple of minutes (almanac was not even valid). The DAC-voltage
> clipped to the power rail, and the SV and AMU-fields remained "?". 
> Resetting (hot, cold, factory default) didn't make any difference.
> When power cycling the unit and connecting it back to the normal serial 
> port the normal behaviour returned. I assume it has something to do with 
> the USB to serial converter. Is there anyone else with similar 
> experience? Or who has used a USB to serial converter with succes?
> Thank you, best regards,
> Jeroen

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Javier Herrero                            EMAIL: jherrero at hvsistemas.com\par
HV Sistemas S.L.                          PHONE:         +34 949 336 806\par
Los Charcones, 17A                        FAX:           +34 949 336 792\par
19170 El Casar - Guadalajara - Spain      WEB: http://www.hvsistemas.com\f1\par

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